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Terms and Conditions

BETWEEN: SSC & Participating Science-Based Departments.

(referred to collectively as the "Participants")

July 2024 | Version 1.0

Federal Science DataHub

The Federal Science DataHub (FSDH) is a secure, cloud-based platform that delivers world-class data infrastructure and tools empowered by a self-service model to the federal science community. The FSDH platform is Unclassified.


The Terms and Conditions apply to the individual Participants use of of FSDH. The terms form an agreement between Shared Services Canada (SSC) and the Participant and include service terms, responsibilities, governance, and support model for the FDSH. The Terms and Conditions is a living document that may need to be adapted to reflect updated legislative requirements and policies, as well as changes in the business environment.

Terms and Conditions

The Federal Science Datahub is an initiative led by the Data Solutions Team in in SSC's Science Program. It provides rapid access to scalable data storage in the cloud, analytics toolset, management, storage, sharing, and collaboration capabilities to federal scientists. By using the FSDH service, you agree to the terms set out herein.

Users of FSDH are required to conform to the following criteria :

  1. Security classification: The FSDH environment workspaces are authorized for Unclassified use. “Unclassified” denotes non-sensitive data and information that carries no injury to personal, industry, or government interests if released to the public. It is each workspace owner's responsibility to ensure all data or information in their workspace is unclassified before uploading it to FSDH and while using it in FSDH. Please refer to the following important information security guidelines:

  2. Individual security classification: To access the FSDH Portal, Participants must hold at least valid Government of Canada Reliability Status. It is the responsibility of the workspace lead to ensure that all individuals working in the workspace have a minimum valid Government of Canada Reliability Status. For more information on this, please see the:

  3. Roles & Responsibilities: SSC is the FSDH product owner, and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is the FSDH business owner. SSC will develop and maintain the FSDH platform and associated infrastructure. Participating science departments are responsible for complying with all applicable statutes, regulations, and policies concerning the security and management of GC information, records, resources, and other relevant policies, such as the Policy on Service and Digital. Participating departments must also comply with the Roles & Responsibilities outlined in the Responsibility, Accountability, Consultation, and Information (RACI) Chart in Annex 1.

  4. Information Management (IM): Participants are responsible for all IM recordkeeping related activities within FSDH and hence are responsible for ensuring information resources of business value (IRBV) are moved to their departmental official corporate repository(ies). Any data or information within FSDH workspaces must not be of critical business value. All decisions and decision-making processes that are IRBVs or critical to the business must be documented in the departmental corporate repository and not within FSDH to account for and support the continuity of departmental operations, permit the reconstruction of how policies and programs have evolved, support litigation readiness, and allow for independent evaluation, audit and review. Participants are responsible for all retention and disposition activities. Participants are responsible for conducting any activities associated with the Access to information or Litigation/Legal requests made for data or information stored within FSDH.

  5. Data Management: SSC is responsible for enabling Data Management capabilities, such as features or tools, to allow participants to manage their data. Participants are responsible for ensuring all Data Management activities, such as managing data, completing proper metadata, defining proper retention periods, establishing data sharing agreements with partners, and storing data of business value in departmental repositories.

  6. Legal: The data and information used within FSDH must comply with all other relevant legal, regulatory, contractual, and policy requirements (e.g., it is confirmed that there are no relevant legal, contractual, or third party policy restrictions or limitations to use the data or information). Participants are responsible for ensuring that data or information stored or used within their workspace is free of any litigation hold. If you have any questions, consult the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) team and the Legal team within your respective department.

  7. Financial arrangements: The FSDH is operated on a cost recovery basis by the agreed-upon funding model described in Annex XXX.

  8. Governance:

    • FSDH operations will be directed by the XXXX, a director-level committee responsible for providing leadership and guidance for the activities and decisions of the FSDH, approving funding, and establishing strategic directions.

    • The Data Solutions for Science Working Group will provide technical guidance and assist the XXXX in its activities by providing advice and recommendations regarding the FSDH platform and services, and for implementing approved operational policies, standards, and procedures.

  9. License: The data, information, and source code must respect the appropriate license and any embargo periods identified with the data or information being consumed/used within the FSDH workspace.

  10. Intellectual property and copyright: The data/information used within the workspace must respect the appropriate copyright and Intellectual property rights.

  11. Access to Information: The data or information resource used in the workspace is not subject to any exemptions or exclusions under the Access to Information Act,, or redactions under appropriate sections of the Act have been applied in consultation with the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) teams. If you are unsure whether or not the data or information is subject to any exemptions under the Access to Information Act and/or free of personal information in compliance with the Privacy Act, please contact the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) team within your respective department. The workspace lead is responsible for consulting departmental security, ATIP and privacy teams for all information or data posted.

  12. Privacy: The data/information used within FSDH is not subject to any exemptions or exclusions under the Privacy Act, or redactions under appropriate sections of the Act have been applied in consultation with the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) team within your department. If you are unsure whether or not the data/information is subject to any exemptions under the Access to Information Act, and/or free of personal information, in compliance with the Privacy Act, please contact the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) team within your department for guidance. The workspace lead is responsible for consulting departmental security, ATIP and privacy teams for all information or data posted.

  13. Workspace: Each workspace in FSDH is a restricted/private space open only to individuals specified by the Workspace owner. FSDH administrators will also have access to workspaces. The workspace may also be accessed by the FSDH technical team to provide support.

  14. Authority to Use: The participant has the mandate, legislative authority, or permission from a third-party provider to use the data or information used within their workspace in FSDH.

  15. Metadata: The participant must complete all mandatory relevant metadata.

  16. Resource Management: The Workspace lead and administrator are responsible for resource management of the workspace associated with them. If processes need to be shut down at night, then that is the responsibility of the participant.

  17. Support Hours: Support services are available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). For more information on guidance refer to Support model.

  18. Official Language: Participants are responsible for ensuring official content and content intended for broad dissemination are provided in both official languages and respect the Official Language Act.

  19. Accessibility: Participants are responsible for accessibility of the applications/visualization developed within their workspace in FSDH. They are responsible for compliance with the Accessibility Act.

  20. Policies: Participants are required to follow and comply with relevant policies, directives, standards and guidance relevant to the area of subject area they are working with.

  21. Access Controls: Workspace lead is responsible for granting permissions to its workspace and maintaining access controls to its workspace. The workspace lead is responsible for ensuring that they are following the guidance provided in Account Management & Access Control Guidance for Workspace to manage the access controls. In addition, the workspace lead is responsible for following the departmental access control procedures and developing additional procedures as needed, including those regarding the use of non-government managed devices. The workspace lead should consult the Departmental IT Security team to review all access control procedures.

  22. Incident Management: The workspace lead is responsible for reporting incidents concerning their workspaces through their departmental incident reporting process. In addition the workspace lead is responsible to consult the departmental IT security team for any incident that occurs in their workspace. Please consult Account Management & Access Control Guidance FSDH for additional information.

Your access and use of the FSDH are governed by these Terms and Conditions. You represent that you have full authority to accept, and agree to be bound by, these Terms and Conditions, either in your own name or if you are accepting on behalf of the department. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, we grant you access to FSDH.

The SSC retains the right to disable or deactivate a workspace/account from FSDH that does not comply with the Terms and Conditions. SCC will notify the affiliated participant and work with them to find a

Applicable Policies

Annex 1 Roles within FSDH

The following are roles within FSDH, the responsibilities are outlined in Annex 2.



DataHub Team Member

A role within the DataHub platform, providing administrative privileges to users.

Workspace Lead

The workspace lead within the department is responsible for:
- Managing the workspaces and ensuring all policies and guidelines are followed for the workspace.
- Providing access to the workspace and any data or information in it.
- Ensuring all users working in the workspace have a minimum valid Government of Canada Reliability Status.
- Inviting the users to the workspace.
- Assigning the roles to users within the workspace
- Conducting regular audits to ensure the workspace is following security and all policies, guidelines and organization policies.
- Regularly monitor access controls of users within the workspace and ensure the access controls are valid.
- Providing a new lead for the workspace if they are no longer responsible for the workspace.
- Providing all relevant training and knowledge transfer to the new workspace lead.
- Providing and documenting all department procedures related to access controls.
- Ongoing management of each account type within the workspace.
- Manage and approve any conditions or requirements associated with each role within the workspace.
- Documenting and developing the process of approving roles and assigning them within the workspace
- Develop any SOPs and operating procedures for the workspace.
- Ensuring that the access tokens related to Storage are managed securely. If any questions arise, they should contact the departmental security team for advice.
- Report incidents to the departmental security team as soon as they occur and follow the departmental incident reporting process.
- Ensuring all users within a workspace have the security awareness training, specifically the following courses: Security Awareness (COR310), Access to Information and Privacy Fundamentals (COR502)
They are also responsible for managing the database credentials, and any incorrect use, storage, and transmission of such credentials could lead to the collection of sensitive information or data.
Only users with the Admin or Lead roles can invite another collaborator.
There is only one workspace lead for each workspace.

Workspace collaborator

The workspace collaborator is invited to the workspace by the workspace lead and is responsible for contributing to the overall project objectives and deliverables to ensure it is successful. They are also responsible for ensuring all guidelines, standards, directives, and policies are followed for the data or information they are working with.
The workspace collaborator is also responsible for informing the workspace lead if there are any changes to their role or the requirements of that role.
There can be multiple collaborators per workspace. It is the responsibility of the workspace lead to invite the collaborators to its workspace.

Workspace administrator

The workspace administrator has management authority within the project and is responsible for administrating and granting access to the workspace.
The workspace administrator is also responsible for informing the workspace lead if there are any changes to their role or the requirements of that role.
Only users with the Admin or Lead roles can invite another collaborator.
There can be multiple administrators per workspace. The workspace lead is responsible for assigning an administrator to the workspace.

Workspace Data Steward

The workspace data steward is invited to the workspace by the workspace lead and is responsible for managing the data within the workspace and is the subject matter expert for the data or information within the workspace.
The workspace data steward is also responsible for informing the workspace lead if there are any changes to their role or the requirements of that role.
There can be multiple stewards per workspace. The workspace lead is responsible for assigning stewards for its workspace.

Workspace Guest

The workspace lead or administrator invites the workspace guest. The guest only has read access to the applications developed within the workspace.
The workspace guest is also responsible for informing the workspace lead if there are any changes to their role or the requirements of that role.

Annex 2 Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed (RACI) Chart


  • In the following table, ECCC is the business owner, SSC is the product owner and the Participants are Science-based departments using FSDH.

  • Participants are referred to as Workspace Lead, Workspace Collaborator, Workspace Administrator, and Workspace Data Steward.






Governance management

Engagement of the governance activities for FSDH. Establishing FSDH operational policies and standards


A, R


Strategic leadership

Providing strategic leadership and direction for FSDH.

R, C

A, R

I, C

Financial management

Developing and implementing funding model




Product management

Product management of FSDH such as Incident Management, Product development, Policies & Guidance etc.




Workspace management

Ensuring workspace is being managed, these activities could include reviewing the cloud consumption, ensuring a data stewards is assigned to the workspace, following policies and guidelines etc.





Communication and Engagement activities associated to FSDH.




Onboarding management

Onboarding: planning and intake, technical onboarding etc.




Information management

Information management activities.




Data management

Data management activities such as data life cycle, data quality etc.




Security management of Portal

Security management of the Portal is ensuring the FSDH portal meets all the security requirements,




Security management of workspace

Security management of the workspace is the management of the data or information within the workspace. In addition it includes all security related activities in terms of applications, API etc.




Workspace management

Workspace Leads or Administrators are responsible for:
Developing access management procedures to control access to their workspace.
Providing intended use guidance to workspace users.
Monitoring workspace usage and sensitivity of information hosted in the workspace (ensuring that assigned workspace sensitivity level is adhered to at all times from a single or data aggregate perspective).
Working with the departmental Cyber Security team in developing a workspace security categorization report, as well as access management processes, guidance, Database and Storage account access token, Key Vault management, and monitoring processes.
Ensuring integrity and availability of workspace source code based on departmental processes.




Storage Management/Database Management

Storage management or Database management includes all activities related to the app service or the database service. This also includes the management of database credentials. The workspace lead is responsible for the proper management and storage of the DB credentials and storage tokens.
In addition, services packaged within the docker must follow the GC policies, standards, guidelines, and standards. The services deployed via docker must follow the security policies and must be for legitimate Government of Canada business purposes.




Annex 3 Funding Model

To be provided when ready.

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